The texture of plastic: a novel way of pleasing consumers

April 21, 2022

The packaging currently on the market come in all shapes and sizes and, for many companies, plastic is a key material in their packaging solutions. But for those that want to stand out from the crowd, product specialisation is a must in this incredibly competitive market. One novel way of achieving this is through sensory marketing. Packaging concepts with a sensory component are increasingly present in the market and there are even studies analysing the impact that they have on consumers. At SP Group, we are committed to innovation and customising our packaging and we know that aligning our journey with market trends is key. In this article, find out how you can use the texture of plastic to surprise and please consumers.


Sensory marketing consists of using our senses to trigger emotions and behaviours that favour purchases. Marketing of this kind can be used to generate positive sensations and experiences associated with a brand. When we take a look at traditional sales strategies, we see that they have generally concentrated solely on visual features and this has been the basis for neuromarketing. That is, adapting colours and shapes to achieve the result that is expected to appeal the most to consumers and generate a favourable emotional response to the brand.

But times change and, today, innovative product presentation does not need to be limited to visual aspects of packaging design. All our senses can be utilised, including taste. However, touch has a particularly pronounced impact and this is where the texture of plastic comes into play.

sensorial marketing


Creating a sensory experience by using the texture of plastic or applying the sensory marketing concept can have a number of advantages that are difficult to attain through more traditional routes.

  1. Packaging that utilises the texture of plastic can enhance brand appeal and, little by little, promote customer loyalty. We believe that the innovative use of materials can create a sensory environment that is far more appealing to users and that encourages potential customers to step inside a shop and try out the new feature for themselves.
  2. The texture of plastic can also create a much more consolidated brand identity and achieve brand differentiation. Brands have been doing this for years but exclusively from the point of view of visual features. The texture of plastic can bring an added layer to that differentiation and brand identity and give products their own distinct personality. If we also factor in ideas and experiences introduced by the clients themselves as they use the packaging, we end up with a much more humane brand that consumers can identify with.
  3. Another of the advantages of innovating with the texture of plastic is that it can deliver a unique product experience for consumers and this gives the end product even more added value. It turns the shopping experience into a positive one that is associated with positive feelings and frames of mind. It can also help to give brands a sustainability value that can be used to set products apart from the rest by letting consumers know that the packaging adheres to sustainability values and that the brand is committed to sustainability goals. And all of this can be achieved simply by working with an alternative texture in plastic.


Sensory marketing based on touch has enormous potential but doing it well takes a great deal of creativity. Careful attention has to be paid to new materials or innovative and unusual plastic textures. This is already a must in certain products because it is not just about what product or service you are selling; it is also about how you present it to consumers. Some companies see packaging as secondary but, in fact, it can have a huge impact on sales growth.

A product that is pleasant to touch and stands out from the rest conveys the idea of an innovative and modern brand. There are many similar products on the shelves in shops and many even have a similar packaging solution or appearance. If your packaging is different to the rest, you will easily grab customers’ attention and gain an advantage that may translate into the client favouring your product. At SP Group, we offer clients the PAPER TOUCH finish. This lacquer gives plastic packaging a rough texture that feels like paper and it can be applied to specific areas or the entire packaging solution. In short, it is a perfect way of creating a look and touch that packs a punch.

In fact, we can even go above and beyond and turn touch into language by using Braille to make our products more accessible to the visually impaired. Plastic is a wonderful material for creating texture and as a surface for printing text in Braille.


There is huge potential to using the texture of plastic as a means of improving marketing strategies or product image. Taking necessary packaging and turning it into a point of differentiation and creating a positive brand image that generates emotions in potential consumers is a huge step forward. The field is new and the possibilities are huge so now is the time to innovate. When it comes to using this new resource, your imagination is your only limitation.

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