If you are looking to transmit certain values of your brand to consolidate your market position and quality in relation to your competitors, one of your main objectives has to be to ensure your product’s packaging makes it stand out above the others on the shelf.Although this may seem simple, it is one of the main areas the SP GROUP assessment team focuses on for their clients, as choosing the right printing technique is essential.

In order to define the print required, it is essential to be very clear beforehand on the details of each system in relation of visual quality, finishes, materials, inks, etc. Other factors related to this choice are the budget available for the project and, of course, the size of the run.

Looking at the new consumer universes defined in the latest research report by Surgenia: ‘Gastrotendencias2: alimentación, turismo y diseño en la era de los Millenials’ (‘Gastrotrends2: food, tourism and design in the era of the Millennials’), we see that new consumer profiles have beenidentified and grouped as followed:‘Purists’, ‘Reactionaries’, Super-healthy, Creators, Survivors, Guilt-free and Dreamers.Consumer profiles are becoming more and more complex and varied, meaning the strategy of creating standardised products to cover a large percentage of the population is no longer sufficient.Today we need to respond with solutions that correspond to each of the profiles that exist, in accordance with the current model of society.

The following are some guidelines, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further information.

Flexography printing system

–         Although HD flexography produces high-quality printing, this technique presents certain difficulties when it comes to defining details

–         Text in the negative in the CMYK colour model should be avoided.As should very fine text in multiple screenings

–         Blends are not recommended

–         Several materials can be used

–         It is a system that is profitable in medium to high runs of 15,000m2 or more

Rotogravure printing system

–         Ideal for blended designs

–         High quality graphics

–         Not recommended for illustrations with small lines, thin text or small letters

–         This system will be most profitable with long runs of 25,000 m2 and over, as the cylinders used are expensive.High print speed

–         Can be used with several materials

Digital printing system

–         Very high quality print, similar to offset and rotogravure printing

–         Shorter production times than other types of printing

–         Highly customisable printing