We are proud to announce that our colleague, Guía Blanco, from the R&D and Innovation Department, attended the 13th Multilayer Flexible Packaging Conference and gave a talk entitled ‘Retortable and recyclable mono-material Doypacks replacing multi-material structures in food contact applications’.
The conference was held from 23 to 25 November in Sitges, Barcelona, and the two days of discussion revolved around the latest technical developments and trends in the sector, with the participation of a panel of international experts in technology and innovation in raw materials for end-use applications. Companies from throughout the flexible-packaging value chain also attended, from raw materials producers to retail providers, making it a dynamic forum for debating and exchanging ideas with industry colleagues and potential clients.
Guía talked about the EU guidelines on plastics, taking a look at the real situation today. She also presented the different options for improving the statistics with multilayer flexible packaging that promotes the circular economy, and what impact this will have in the future.